COVID 19 Safety Protocols
COVID 19 Operational Guidelines for Exhibitors
- Wearing a mask is a MUST through out of the exhibition.
- Stall holders having fever with or without respiratory symptoms
such as cough, runny nose, sore throat and shortness of breath will not be allowed to enter the premises. - Stall holders should refrain from any physical contacts with others.
- Stall holders must keep a 1m distance with the visitors during the exhibition.
- People who are double vaccinated are encouraged to man the Exhibition Booth during the event.
- Exhibitors should produce a copy/softcopy of the vaccinated card to get the Exhibitor Passes.
COVID 19 Operational Guidelines During Stall Construction
- Wearing a mask is a MUST throughout the event construction period. It is a responsibility of the Exhibitor
to make their employees/ sub constructors adhere to the guidelines. - Stall holders having fever with or without respiratory symptoms
such as cough, runny nose, sore throat and shortness of breath will not be allowed to enter the premises. - Employees of the supplier’s teams should refrain from any physical contacts with others.
- People who are double vaccinated are encouraged to get as the supporting staff.