COVID 19 Safety Protocols

COVID 19 Operational Guidelines for Exhibitors

  1. Wearing a mask is a MUST through out of the exhibition.
  2. Stall holders having fever with or without respiratory symptoms
    such as cough, runny nose, sore throat and shortness of breath will not be allowed to enter the premises.
  3. Stall holders should refrain from any physical contacts with others.
  4. Stall holders must keep a 1m distance with the visitors during the exhibition.
  5. People who are double vaccinated are encouraged to man the Exhibition Booth during the event.
  6. Exhibitors should produce a copy/softcopy of the vaccinated card to get the Exhibitor Passes.

COVID 19 Operational Guidelines During Stall Construction


  1. Wearing a mask is a MUST throughout the event construction period. It is a responsibility of the Exhibitor
    to make their employees/ sub constructors adhere to the guidelines.
  2. Stall holders having fever with or without respiratory symptoms
    such as cough, runny nose, sore throat and shortness of breath will not be allowed to enter the premises.
  3. Employees of the supplier’s teams should refrain from any physical contacts with others.
  4. People who are double vaccinated are encouraged to get as the supporting staff.